Wednesday, July 1, 2015


No ice cream or candy today!  Unfortunately, my physical activity has been really low since I spent most of the day catching up on the computer work that fell behind during vacation.

I'm finding myself very busy with the dog park.  I'm still trying to get things coordinated.  Simple things like getting the trash can put out on the street take more time than they should.  In addition, I am scheduling a work party for the 11th to finish up some things (like installing 3 benches in concrete).  I'll be glad when this project is on auto pilot!  I ran into the mayor yesterday and now we're already talking about another future dog park.

Tomorrow is our 7 miler.  We'll need to get up really early again.  The news said our 90 day outlook is much hotter than normal.  We had a record breaking warm June, and July is sure to follow the same pattern!  Oh well, can't do a thing about it! That's a wrap!


  1. Hari Om
    You have found a new vocation - or one has found you!!! All the best for that
    ....and for getting back on track.
    Eyes-on...YAM xx

  2. I think you did very well, its so easy to fall off the wagon when there's so much going on, the temptation to 'stress-eat' does for me everytime!


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